August 2023

Tech leaders gather for successful summer social  

By Carrie Mok

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Moss House was lively with regional industry leaders across tech recently as TechWM hosted their summer tech social in University College Birmingham’s award-winning atrium. 

In partnership with the Institute of Directors (IoD) Birmingham, the event saw entrepreneurs, enthusiasts and influential figures from across the West Midlands tech industry connect and network in a vibrant environment.

Andy Wilkinson, Chair of IoD Birmingham said: “Simply an amazing event. To gather over 250 people from the TechWM community and further afield at University College Birmingham with partners including Agilyx Group and Institute of Directors is brilliant. The whole evening was one of celebration with the chance to network and enjoy the cracking location. Feedback has been superb with numerous key connections made. Look out for the next one and see you at Tech Week!”


The event was also a celebration of the winners of Women in Tech 2023, who will be supported by TechWM and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce Future Faces programme.

Covering a spectrum of different types of technology, the businesses of the winners ranged from an education platform that creates engaging learning experiences for children; to a developmental initiative designed to open up non-coding tech roles to black, neurodivergent and deaf communities; and provision of low-carbon retrofit green tech to boost energy efficiency in the home.


Full list of Women in Tech 2023 winners

Ilisha Masaun - Econominds 
Helene Ntuadi - Meka Toys 
Natalie Scarlett - Tech Rootzz 
Ileana Lupsa - techUK 
Magdalena Karlikowska - Cytecom 
Mikayla Sinead - Bridge Network Group 
Gurpreet G. - MTC - Manufacturing Technology Centre 
Janani Prasad - Supabite, MojoStack
Becky Lane - Furbnow 
Ioana Axinte - ONE Learning 

José Lopes, Pro Vice-Chancellor (External Affairs), said of the summer social: “I was delighted to welcome the West Midlands tech community to the University College Birmingham campus for a fantastic networking event.

“The University prides itself on expanding opportunities for our students, by maintaining strong links with employers in key growth sectors and developing courses that directly address local skills needs to drive prosperity and jobs. We look forward to continuing to work alongside TechWM, and our partner the University of Warwick, in supporting Birmingham Tech Week later this year.”

The University of Warwick and University College Birmingham are set to curate yet more engaging events in the months to come.

To find out about how your business can partner with University College Birmingham, head to our Business page.

In pictures: TechWM summer social

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