January 2024

Blog | How to stay healthy in Veganuary

By Stephen Garvey and Carla Phillips

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January often sees people adopting healthier eating habits with the start of a new year, and trying a vegan diet in Veganuary might be one of the more popular diets that people try in the month.

With Veganuary now in full swing, how can you ensure you are taking care of your body and ensuring you maintain good nutrition on a vegan diet?

As with any diet, there are key points to consider when adopting a different eating pattern. Here we have some tips to help you maintain a new diet while doing so healthily.

  • Simply removing animal-based products from your diet will not improve the nutritional value of your diet, you will need to consider ensuring you include adequate plant-based sources of protein, iron, B12, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and iodine.
  • A well-planned vegan diet doesn’t need to be expensive and doesn’t need to include pre-packed processed food.
  • Veganuary is a time where you will see lots of vegan foods promoted in shops and restaurants. Be wary that these can be unnecessarily expensive and not necessarily healthy. Try not to get sucked into the ‘fad’ of following a vegan diet, even the humble beans on toast is vegan if using a non-dairy spread, and very reasonably priced!
  • Remember that all types of fresh, frozen and tinned vegetables contain excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. Aim for at least five of these.
  • A vegan diet, when properly planned, can provide all the essential nutrients your body needs while reducing the risk of various chronic diseases. Rich in fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, and nuts, a plant-based diet is brimming with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to overall vitality.

"I took part in Veganuary two years ago and have never looked back. I would urge anyone considering taking part to enjoy the opportunity to try new foods, but make sure you plan ahead so you are not left hungry when there are no vegan options."

Nicky Millard Vegan and Deputy Dean in the Business School

  • Beyond being just a trend, adopting a vegan diet represents a powerful choice that resonates with health, compassion and sustainability.
  • The beauty of Veganuary lies in its inclusivity and accessibility. Participants are encouraged to explore a myriad of delicious and diverse plant-based recipes, opening the door to a world of culinary creativity.
  • Don’t feel like you have failed if you get tempted by non-vegan foods, it’s difficult making big changes to your diet and behaviours. You could try following a flexitarian approach to reducing animal-based food for plant-based food if you are not ready to take the plunge to a full vegan diet.
  • You can get all essential nutrients from plant-based foods, but if you are following a fully vegan diet you need to ensure a reliable source of vitamin B12 from products such as fortified cereals, yeast extract, soy yoghurts or plant-based dairy alternatives. If you do not include these foods on a regular basis in your diet, then it is recommended that a supplement is taken. Take a supplement of at least 10mcg daily or at least 2000mcg weekly (BDA, 2021)


For meal ideas, why not check out: Vegan recipes - BBC Food

More information can be found here Plant-based-diet-food-fact-sheet.pdf (bda.uk.com)

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