Stunning simulation facilities to help your career take off
Situated in our Summer Row campus, our new Aviation and Tourism Suite features exciting simulation facilities for students on our aviation, travel and tourism courses.
At the heart of the suite is a state-of-the-art mock plane cabin, while there are also check-in and security areas for training.
University College Birmingham has Centre of Excellence status with the Institute of Travel and Tourism (ITT) for our degree and college courses, and our facilities ensure you have the ideal environment to put your training into practice during your studies.
The academic facilities were already of an extremely high standard, but having recently seen the new Aviation and Tourism Suite, it is clear that students now have an additional top quality resource.
Paul Willoughby
Regional Manager, Flybe

We had fascinating placements over the course, including Amsterdam to conduct an audit of Schiphol Airport, Berlin to visit Brandenburg Airport and Dubai, with a guest lecture at the Emirates Aviation University. I currently work at Cornwall Airport Newquay as a supervisor, my deep understanding of the industry and its regulatory bodies helping me get the job in the first place.