Yvonne Worrell

Yvonne's Profile

Job title


Academic qualifications

BA(Hons), MSc (Econ), PGCE

Professional recognition / membership



0121 604 1000


I am the Year Manager for the Year 1 Aviation and Airport Management tutor group. I am also the Module Leader for Employability and Professional Development for Tourism/Aviation. I lecture in the field of Business Management with a particular specialism in Human Resource Management (HRM).

Since 1994, I have worked in further and higher education and during this time I have designed a range of Business and Human Resource modules for level 3 and taught undergraduate students at levels 4, 5and 6. In addition, I have been responsible for designing and delivering on the professional courses for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) at the Foundation Level 3/ Certificate in Human Resource Practice and Advanced Level 7/Postgraduate Diploma in HRM, and I am an Internal Quality Assurer.


  • Airline Crew Resource Management (Level 4);
  • Aviation Professional Practice(Level 4)
  • Aviation Passenger Operations (Level 4)
  • Developing People in Tourism (Level 4)
  • Leading People in Tourism (Level 5)
  • Employability in Practice (Level 5)
  • Personal Leadership Development (Level 7);
  • Employability and Professional Development (Aviation/Tourism) (Level 4)
  • Flight Route Operations (Level 4)

Research interests and scholarly activity

As part of my EdDoc research, I am currently undertaking research to explore the opportunities and constraints on the career progression of BAME women across the life course as a case study of the experiences and identities of those working in the HR Profession post Human Resource Management (HRM) Level 7 course.

I am particularly interested in issues of career development, diversity, equal opportunities and gender.

Department of Hospitality and Tourism

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