Dr Helen McEwan

Helen's Profile

Job title

Head of the Psychology Department

Job Role & Responsibilities

Programme leadership of Psychology courses.


0121 232 4311


I am a Senior Lecturer in Psychology, whose area of expertise is Health Psychology.

I completed a BSc Human Psychology with Professional training, and a Stage 1 accredited MSc Health Psychology at Aston University, before completing my PhD Health Sciences at the University of Leicester. I have held teaching and/or research positions, and led BPS accredited programmes.

I am a Chartered Psychologist, member of the Division of Health Psychology, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


Teaching cross the undergraduate and postgraduate core modules, with a focus on health psychology.

Research interests and scholarly activity

  • Health Psychology and Health Sciences
  • Public and healthcare professional health and behaviours
  • Mental health and illness
  • Evidence-based practice in healthcare/guideline adherence
  • People’s perceptions of health and illness
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