April 2013
UCB Hospitality Higher Apprentice first in the country
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UCB has signed up a Bromsgrove school chef to be the first Higher Level Apprentice in Hospitality Management in the country.
Jessica Forward,18, is an Apprentice chef at Bromsgrove School in Worcestershire and alongside her full-time role, she will soon start weekly knowledge and management training sessions at University College Birmingham and work towards gaining the Level 4 qualification after 18 months. Her practical culinary and kitchen management skills will also be assessed in the workplace every two weeks.
With two years’ work experience on her CV Jessica is keen to progress her career and is aiming to apply for supervisory and management hospitality level roles in the future:
For me, the combination of working and learning at University is a perfect balance because I want to expand my knowledge and keep improving my practical day to day skills at the same time. I want to be able to contribute to the wider success of the hospitality services at the School and taking this Apprenticeship at a higher level will help me to do just that
Offering an achievable route in to future management is important for helping to retain and motivate staff and fill skills gaps at that level. Jessica is a dedicated and very talented young chef and we are happy to do all we can to help her realise her true potential.
University College Birmingham helped to develop the Higher Level Apprenticeship in Hospitality Management in partnership with People 1st, the Sector Skills Council for Hospitality and UH Ventures. The National Apprenticeship Service provided funding to set up the delivery infrastructure.