January 2014
PGCE students get cooking!
Read time: approx 1 mins
On Friday 24th November, a group of UCB’s postgraduate teacher training students spent the day in the university’s professional kitchen. The West Midlands’ next generation of primary teachers were there to learn about delivering lessons in food and nutrition to children in accordance with the new national curriculum.
UCB’s professional chef Rod Burton taught the students about food preparation, nutrition, hygiene and health and safety in the kitchen. Feeling adventurous, the students learned about the principles of teaching cooking by exploring Eastern cuisine: preparing and making both spring rolls and sushi.
Students Stacey Dolan and Hannah Needs, who hope to teach children aged 7-9, both agreed that the practical sessions were very beneficial from a teaching perspective. Not only were they learning practical skills, but also a way of teaching younger children about healthy eating that was both fun and informative at the same time.
Another session of the PGCE Early Years students will be run on Friday 7th February. This session will be focusing on making cheese and butter themes around the ‘Little Miss Muffet’ nursery rhyme.