February 2019

Book your seat to see three inspirational speakers on International Women's Day!

Read time: approx 2 mins


A psychologist who has published a poetry book about her fascinating life journey, a researcher who explores the position of black, British female graduates and a former journalist who writes inspirational stories about women – you won’t want to miss the speakers at our event to celebrate International Women’s Day!

Students and staff are invited to book their place to hear a 15-minute talk from Louise Palfreyman, Mica Gary and April-Louise Pennant, three amazing women we hope will have you riveted at the event - starting at midday - to celebrate the awareness day on Friday 8 March 2019.

All having close ties with Birmingham, either personally or through the subject of their work, the speakers will then open up the floor to the audience with an engaging Q&A session. You can reserve your seat by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.

Mica Gray

Mica is a young, black British woman working in Birmingham as an assistant psychologist. She has just had published a poetry collection exploring her journey with mental health and issues of race, psychosis, depression, womanhood, love, spirituality, faith and identity.

She will be sharing poems from When Daisies Talk and exploring these themes with the audience to find the point of shared experience and explore how we can all help each other on our journeys.

Twitter: @MicaMontana
Instagram: micamontana

April-Louise Pennant

April-Louise is an Economic and Social Research Council PhD researcher and the Westmere Scholar for the College of Social Sciences at the University of Birmingham. Her research is centred on exploring the ways in which 25 recent Black British female graduates have successfully navigated, strategised and engaged within the English education system.

She pays close attention to the role of the intersections of the graduates' race, ethnicity, gender and social class identities within their educational trajectories - from primary school to university.

Twitter: @April_LouP
Linkedin: April-Louise Pennant

Louise Palfreyman

Louise worked as a journalist before turning her attention to short fiction and has been published in literary journals and anthologies, including Best British Short Stories. Opening the first London Short Story Festival, she mentors writers and works with universities and literary festivals, delivering workshops and readings.

As a promoter of regional arts projects, Louise’s collection of stories about women, Once Upon a Time in Birmingham: Women Who Dared to Dream, was published by The Emma Press in 2018.

Website: www.louisepalfreyman.com
Twitter: @tweetybyrde
Instagram: louisepalfreyman

For more information about the event, email Lavinia Batchelor at l.batchelor@ucb.ac.uk

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