Support Resources

The Health and wellbeing Service have put together a list of wellbeing resources that are designed for you to use independently. The aim is to help you develop your knowledge of emotional wellbeing and how you can help yourself.

These resources include online wellbeing guides, information about support services, and a collection of self-help books located in the main library. UCB students can find these resources and further information online via Canvas.

You can also find information and resources via the links below.

Key information and resources

Student Minds

Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity. Student Minds empower students with the knowledge, confidence and skills to look after their own mental health and support others through their national network of university groups.


Provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Mind campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.


Provide advice, information, and support to help millions of people affected by mental illness.

Young Minds

Young Minds is the UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people.

The Mix

Provides free, confidential support for young people under 25 via online, social and mobile.

Turning Point

Tailored personalised care to help people achieve positive outcomes by offering choice, creating independence and helping us to build a better life.

Online Self-Help

NHS Self-Help Leaflets

Self-help guides suitable for people experiencing mental health difficulties.

Living Life To The Full

Free online courses covering low mood, stress and resiliency.

Students Against Depression

A website offering advice, information and guidance to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking.

One You

One You provides free tips, tools and support to help you make small changes that fit your life, so you feel better and healthier, every day.


Everyone wants to stay mentally and physically well. This site shows you how you can use your natural creative skills to maintain and improve your wellbeing.


UCB Students, Staff and Parents are able to get free help for addiction through Help4Addiction.

Help4Addiction offer an independent addiction advice service throughout the UK. They are dedicated to providing you with all the relevant information and treatment options for a wide range of addictions, including; alcohol addiction, drug addiction and behavioural addictions.

Help4Addiction have over 30 years combined experience working in the fields of Alcohol Addiction, Drug Addiction, Counselling, Stress, Anxiety and Rehabilitation.

You can find support by visiting their website, at:

Worried About a Friend?

Students are most likely to speak to friends when they are experiencing difficulties.

Check out Student Minds ‘Look After Your Mate’ Guide for knowledge and practical tips on how to support a friend.

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