Richard's Profile
Job title
Senior Lecturer
Academic qualifications
BSc (Hons) Health Sciences for Complementary Medicine, PGCE in Post Compulsory Education
I have spent over 20 years working in different healthcare settings. I have worked in a group home for people with learning disabilities, as a domiciliary carer, in a secure and an open psychiatric unit, in a general hospital on a stroke and medical ward and with people who have complex needs and challenging behaviour. I have also ran my own successful massage business.
In 2014 I took my Post Graduate Certificate in Education in Post Compulsory Education. Since then I have taught in 2 further education colleges, teaching Level 2 and Level 3 Health and Social Care, Access to HE Health and a research module for a Foundation Degree in Early Years Education.
Im currently the course leader and teach on the Assistant Practitioner FdSc Apprenticeship.
I am also the course leader for T Level Health.