February 2014

Your chance to name the UCB bear

Read time: approx 1 mins

He – or is it she? – has been a popular fixture at graduation ceremonies for years.

Smartly dressed in a dashing mortar board and a silky blue sash, the UCB bear is a cuddly, loveable symbol of the university.

But there’s a problem.He, or she, lacks one of the bear necessities – a name.

This is unfortunate for two reasons: first, it’s just not right for a bear not to have a name; and second, we are about to send the UCB bear off on a tour of the university’s far, and not so far-flung, outposts. Some of the longer trips will require a bear passport – and you can’t get a bear passport without a name.

So, we would like your help in coming up with a suitable name for the UCB bear.

It might be a name linked to UCB, or Birmingham, or education. Or it could be something completely different. 

You can submit your suggestions via Twitter – contact us at @UCBofficial and include the hashtag #UCBbear.

You can also submit an entry via Facebook at:

www.facebook.com/ucbpage or www.facebook.com/ucb1419

The winner will receive a replica UCB bear (we are holding on to the real one, of course) – plus a £10 voucher for the 5th floor café, so you can have lunch with a friend – or a hungry bear.

The deadline for entries is Friday, 28 March. The competition is open to all current students and staff.

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