February 2015

Food student Nathan is boxing clever

Read time: approx 1 mins

A UCB Professional Cookery student is proving to be a knock-out in the kitchen – and the boxing ring. 

Nathan Lane, 17, won the Birmingham Youth Championship in the 52-56kg weight category. 

“I started boxing four years ago as a way to combat my weight and improve my fitness,” said Nathan. 

“I became interested in the sport straight away and found that I was picking up the skills and techniques very quickly. I got the bug for sparring at Bartley Green Amateur Boxing Club and began training regularly. 

“I had my first two boxing bouts, weighing in at 64kg, but I was still overweight at the time and so I was fighting against opponents that were twice the size of me. My coach told me that I had to lose my excess weight if I wanted to box competitively.” 

Nathan began training every day for almost a year, beginning a rigorous regime that allowed him to reach his target boxing weight, losing 17kg. 

“When I reached my optimum fighting weight, I was getting regular bouts,” says Nathan. “After about eight bouts, I decided I was ready to enter the National Youth Championships in Birmingham – and I won. 

“After my success, I was put through to the West Midlands final, making it to the semi-finals before losing to an ex-English champion who had well over 40 bouts.”

Since taking up the sport, Nathan has had the privilege of training with champions and retired professionals such as Wayne Elcock, Terry Carruthers and Edward McIntosh. He is hoping to compete in more competitions later this year.

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