Sixth Form Centre - Mini Prospectus 2024

CHEMISTRY IDEAL IF  You’re interested in understanding substances around us and how they behave.  You are wanting to study any scientific or medically related degree or pursue careers related to sustainability, or the manufacturing of materials such as drugs and plastics. WHAT YOU WILL STUDY You will learn atomic structure, the Periodic Table and about how bonding and intermolecular forces influence the structure and properties of compounds. You will study inorganic reactions and analytical processes. You will delve into the organic molecules of life and understand how they can be used to promote good health and manufacture pharmaceutical products. You will develop a wide range of practical laboratory skills and use your theoretical knowledge to analyse and interpret the data you produce. FUTURE Medical professions, research scientist, materials scientist, industrial chemist, analytical scientist, teacher. IT GOES WELL WITH A-level Physics, Biology, Maths and Geography. We strongly advise studying AS Core Maths alongside this course if Maths is not already one of your A-level choices. SUBJECT-SPECIFIC ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Combination of two GCSEs 5 and 6 from Maths and Science. BUSINESS IDEAL IF  You’re interested in how business and commerce work.  You’d like to progress to work in a business role such as accountancy, financial services, auditing or management. WHAT YOU WILL STUDY You will learn how businesses function and factors that affect their performance. You will explore a range of tools and techniques that can be used to make effective decisions and to optimise performance. You will learn how different functions within a business (such as finance, HR and marketing) work together to achieve success overall. FUTURE Accountant, human resources manager, auditor, financial adviser, administrator, entrepreneur. IT GOES WELL WITH A-level Law, Maths, Sociology, Psychology and English. We suggest studying AS Core Maths alongside this course if Maths is not one of your A-level choices. SUBJECT-SPECIFIC ENTRY REQUIREMENTS GCSEs 9-5 in English and Maths. MINI PROSPECTUS 2024 23 22