General Information

Equal opportunities

University College Birmingham is committed to promoting equal opportunities regardless of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and beliefs, sexual orientation or socio-economic background. 

Sickness absence

Statutory sick pay procedures will apply to apprentices. A doctor's certificate will be required for absences of eight days or more. Other absences should be in accordance with the employer's terms and conditions outlined in the contract of employment. 

Health and safety

Health and safety is relevant to everyone in the workplace. Before an apprentice comes to your premises, they will have received some training in health and safety at work. They will have an understanding of the common risks in your industry and how to work safely. 

Apprentices will have been told the most important rule for working safely is to listen to, and comply with, instructions from their employer. If you ask an apprentice to do a job for you, they will look to you to provide instructions on how to do the job safely. 

The person's training so far will have provided them with a basic understanding of the risks associated with fire, lifting and carrying equipment, and electricity. 

We will need to monitor health and safety to ensure standards are met and maintained throughout the apprenticeship. 

(Applicable area of law: Health & Safety at Work Act 1974)

The Apprenticeship Charter

The training and development of an apprentice is a three-way partnership between the employer, the apprentice and University College Birmingham.

The Apprenticeship Charter outlines the responsibilities of all three parties. Everyone must agree to adhere to the guidelines. 

Apprenticeship Charter

Employer complaints policy

This policy has been developed to advise employers of apprentices who are engaged with the University College Birmingham (UCB) of the process to follow in order to make a complaint about the apprenticeship service provided by the University College Birmingham.

Employer complaints policy

Students at UCB

Ready to get started?

Interested in discovering more about how we can help with your apprenticeships? 


View the employer guide 

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